Friday, June 19, 2009

Friday, June 19th

Hello everyone and welcome to my journal.

This is my first entry, so on the list of things I did today... include that.

I helped my grandmother do her food shopping this morning, she's not that old but her hip and leg give out a lot and make her cry =/ She kept running me over with that automatic cart they give you, or she'd stop and I'd keep walking, I probably have a lot of bruises haha.

What else? I had a T injection today, I lost count of which one I'm on, I think that's a sign of growing up... I've gone from being female, to being a transsexual, to just being Jason. It's nice.

Speaking of growing up, I chose to see Star Trek over Up! tonight, normally I'd have been all over the newest pixar. I think letting my inner child grow up is probably highly beneficial to me in a lot of ways.

In short... Grandmas got food, I've got hormones, and Star Trek was great.

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